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This is one of the specialized cleaning we provide.

This is for Hygienitech mattress and upholstery cleaning and sanitizing systems

Look Who’s in your Bed.

Mattress Cleaning pic

Do you really know who?
you’re sleeping with?

If you’re suffering from Asthma, Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Mucous Membranes, Eczema, Itchy Red Eyes, Depression, Fatigue, unexplained Headaches and a whole host of other Allergy related conditions, the culprit Could be millions of Dust Mites that have made themselves a home in your mattress. There’s only one way to effectively defeat this enemy. Call the mattress cleaning and sanitizing professional today.

Almost half of all Americans suffer from Allergies and other related respiratory problems. Newly discovered, medical evidence indicates that the dust mite could very well be responsible.

Call RMD Cleaning and Disinfecting
to schedule your FREE No Obligation In-Home Allergen Test
(971) 388-2594

Authorized Dealer For

Mattress Cleaning
Contact us now to get a free estimate
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